School: School of Law


Academic year

Taught Language: Greek/English

Course Summary


The aim of the programme is to enable students to acquire a first degree in law which would allow them to be admitted to the legal profession or to work as a legal consultant by developing skills and abilities pertinent to a lawyer, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, self-motivation and specialised knowledge of the law. The programme has been recognised by the Cypriot Legal Council for the purposes of professional recognition of the degree and other organisations. It collaborates with the University of London External Program and offers a joint LLM together with EAP in Greece and Loyola in the USA.

  1. To provide students with a sound understanding of the foundations and socio-legal environment of law and to enable them to develop their analytical and research skills
  2. To provide students with a critical understanding and specialised knowledge of a wide range of core courses in law, as well as the opportunity to study law from an extensive catalogue of optional subjects, covering the entire range of legal knowledge
  3. To expose students to a wide range of disciplinary approaches to legal study, encouraging them to reflect on the complexity of legal practice and of the variety of ways of understanding law’s role in contemporary society.

Career Prospects

On successful completion of the programme, graduates will be able to be employed in fields relevant to the legal profession such as advocates, judges, notaries, legal consultants, private and public organisations, non-governmental organisations, private companies etc.


Ενότητα A – Υποχρεωτικά Μαθήματα

Min. ECTS Credits: 162  Max. ECTS Credits: 162
Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
LAW-121 Constitutional Law I 6
LAW-122 Constitutional Law II 6
LAW-131 Law of Contract I 6
LAW-132 Law of Contract II 6
LAW-141 Legal System and Method I 6
LAW-142 Legal System and Method II 6
LAW-154 Legal Ethics 6
LAW-158 Jurisprudence 6
LAW-195 Family Law I 6
LAW-196 Family Law II 6
LAW-201 European Union Law I 6
LAW-202 European Union Law II 6
LAW-211 Law of Torts I 6
LAW-212 Law of Torts II 6
LAW-241 Criminal Law I 6
LAW-242 Criminal Law II 6
LAW-251 Land Law I 6
LAW-252 Land Law II 6
LAW-265 Commercial Law 6
LAW-281 Company Law I 6
LAW-282 Company Law II 6
LAW-315 Conflict of Laws I 6
LAW-381 Labour Law I 6
LAW-383 Public International Law I 6
LAW-384 Public International Law II 6
LAW-391 Law of Trusts I 6
LAW-392 Law of Trusts II 6

Ενότητα B – Υποχρεωτικά Μαθήματα

Min. ECTS Credits: 162  Max. ECTS Credits: 162
Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
LLB-100 Εισαγωγή στην Επιστήμη του Δικαίου 6
LLB-110 Γενικές Αρχές Αστικού Δικαίου 6
LLB-121 Συνταγματικό Δίκαιο 6
LLB-122 Δίκαιο Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων 6
LLB-131 Γενικό Ενοχικό Δίκαιο 6
LLB-132 Ειδικό Ενοχικό Δίκαιο 6
LLB-140 Οικογενειακό Δίκαιο 6
LLB-150 Εμπορικό Δίκαιο και Δίκαιο Αξιογράφων 6
LLB-190 Δημόσιο Διεθνές Δίκαιο 6
LLB-201 Ευρωπαϊκό Δίκαιο 6
LLB-210 Γενικό Ποινικό Δίκαιο 6
LLB-211 Ειδικό Ποινικό Δίκαιο 6
LLB-230 Εμπράγματο Δίκαιο 6
LLB-250 Δίκαιο Εμπορικών Εταιρειών 6
LLB-270 Διοικητικό Δίκαιο 6
LLB-271 Διοικητικό Δικονομικό Δίκαιο 6
LLB-290 Κληρονομικό Δίκαιο 6
LLB-315 Ιδιωτικό Διεθνές Δίκαιο 6
LLB-320 Αστικό Δικονομικό Δίκαιο I 6
LLB-321 Αστικό Δικονομικό Δίκαιο ΙΙ 6
LLB-330 Ποινικό Δικονομικό Δίκαιο Ι 6
LLB-331 Ποινικό Δικονομικό Δίκαιο ΙΙ 6
LLB-390 Εργατικό Δίκαιο 6
LLB-420 Εμβάθυνση Αστικού Δικαίου και Αστικού Δικονομικού Δικαίου 6
LLB-421 Εμβάθυνση Δημοσίου Δικαίου 6
LLB-422 Εμβάθυνση Εμπορικού Δικαίου 6
LLB-423 Εμβάθυνση Ποινικού Δικαίου και Ποινικής Δικονομίας 6

Ενότητα Γ – Υποχρεωτικά Μαθήματα

Min. ECTS Credits: 162  Max. ECTS Credits: 162
Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
LLBC-100 Εισαγωγή στην Επιστήμη του Δικαίου 6
LLBC-121 Συνταγματικό Δίκαιο 6
LLBC-122 Δίκαιο Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων 6
LLBC-131 Γενικό Ενοχικό Δίκαιο 6
LLBC-132 Ειδικό Ενοχικό Δίκαιο 6
LLBC-140 Οικογενειακό Δίκαιο 6
LLBC-150 Εμπορικό Δίκαιο και Δίκαιο Αξιογράφων 6
LLBC-154 Δικηγορική Δεοντολογία 6
LLBC-190 Δημόσιο Διεθνές Δίκαιο 6
LLBC-201 Ευρωπαϊκό Δίκαιο 6
LLBC-210 Γενικό Ποινικό Δίκαιο 6
LLBC-211 Ειδικό Ποινικό Δίκαιο 6
LLBC-220 Δίκαιο Αδικοπραξίων 6
LLBC-230 Εμπράγματο Δίκαιο 6
LLBC-250 Δίκαιο Εμπορικών Εταιρειών 6
LLBC-270 Διοικητικό Δίκαιο 6
LLBC-271 Διοικητικό Δικονομικό Δίκαιο 6
LLBC-290 Κληρονομικό Δίκαιο 6
LLBC-315 Ιδιωτικό Διεθνές Δίκαιο 6
LLBC-320 Αστικό Δικονομικό Δίκαιο I 6
LLBC-330 Ποινικό Δικονομικό Δίκαιο I 6
LLBC-340 Δίκαιο Απόδειξης Ι 6
LLBC-341 Δίκαιο Απόδειξης ΙΙ 6
LLBC-390 Εργατικό Δίκαιο 6
LLBC-440 Θέματα Ιδιωτικού Δικαίου 6
LLBC-441 Θέματα Δημοσίου Δικαίου 6
LLBC-442 Θέματα Ποινικού Δικαίου 6

Ενότητα Δ – Μαθήματα Επιλογής

Min. ECTS Credits: 60  Max. ECTS Credits: 78
Οι φοιτητές θα πρέπει να διαλέξουν LAW-153 ή LLB-153, LAW-155 ή LLB-155, LAW157 ή LLB-157, LAW-158 ή LLB-158, LAW-165 ή LLB-165, LAW-182 ή LLB-182, LAW187 ή LLB-187, LAW-214 ή LLB-224, LAW-283 ή LLB-283, LAW-303 ή LLB-303, LAW307 ή LLB-307, LAW-320 ή LLB-317, LAW-327 ή LLB-327, LAW-333 ή LLB-333, LAW343 ή LLB-343, LAW-353 ή LLB-350, LAW-354 ή LLB-350, LAW-355 ή LLB-355, LAW360 ή LLB-360, LAW-363 ή LLB-296, LAW-365 ή LLB-365, LAW-375 ή LLB-375, LAW385 ή LLB-385, LAW-388 ή LLB-388, LAW-389 ή LLB-389, LAW-398 ή LLB-398, LAW399 ή LLB-399.
Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
ESP-101L English for Law I 6
LAW-151 Introduction to US Law 6
LAW-153 Judicial Psychology 6
LAW-155 Roman Law 6
LAW-157 Law and Religion 6
LAW-165 Legal Anthropology 6
LAW-182 Sociology of Law 6
LAW-187 Diplomacy 6
LAW-214 Law of International Conflict 6
LAW-283 Criminology 6
LAW-303 Immigration Law and Policy 6
LAW-307 Maritime Law 6
LAW-320 Internet Law 6
LAW-327 Medical Law and Bioethics 6
LAW-328 Law of the Sea 6
LAW-333 European Criminal Law 6
LAW-343 Banking Law I 6
LAW-353 Environmental Law 6
LAW-354 Energy Law 6
LAW-355 International Human Rights Law 6
LAW-360 Public Procurement Law 6
LAW-363 International Organisations 6
LAW-365 Comparative Law 6
LAW-375 EU Competition Law 6
LAW-380 Law of International Trade 6
LAW-385 EU Intellectual Property Law 6
LAW-388 Media Law 6
LAW-389 Personal Data Protection Law 6
LAW-398 Sports Law 6
LAW-399 International Criminal Law 6
LAW-435 Law of Evidence I 6
LLB-107 Οργάνωση και Λειτουργία Δημόσιας Διοίκησης 6
LLB-153 Δικαστική Ψυχολογία 6
LLB-154 Δικηγορική Δεοντολογία 6
LLB-155 Ιστορία του Δικαίου 6
LLB-157 Εκκλησιαστικό Δίκαιο 6
LLB-158 Φιλοσοφία του Δικαίου 6
LLB-165 Νομική Ανθρωπολογία 6
LLB-182 Κοινωνιολογία του Δικαίου 6
LLB-186 Συνταγματική Ιστορία 6
LLB-187 Διπλωματική Ιστορία 6
LLB-214 Δίκαιο Ανηλίκων 6
LLB-217 Ανακριτική 6
LLB-224 Δίκαιο Διεθνών Διενέξεων 6
LLB-226 Δίκαιο της Θάλασσας 6
LLB-260 Μεθοδολογία του Δικαίου 6
LLB-283 Εγκληματολογία 6
LLB-296 Διεθνείς Οργανισμοί και Διεθνείς Σχέσεις 6
LLB-298 Σωφρονιστική 6
LLB-300 Ειδικοί Ποινικοί Νόμοι 6
LLB-302 Σεξουαλική Εγκληματικότητα 6
LLB-303 Δίκαιο Αλλοδαπών, Μετανάστευσης και Ασύλου 6
LLB-307 Ναυτικό Δίκαιο 6
LLB-313 Φορολογικό Δίκαιο 6
LLB-317 Δίκαιο Διαδικτύου 6
LLB-327 Ιατρικό Δίκαιο και Βιοηθική 6
LLB-329 Δίκαιο Εμπορικών Ασφαλειών 6
LLB-333 Ευρωπαϊκό Ποινικό Δίκαιο 6
LLB-334 Δίκαιο Κοινωνικής Ασφάλισης 6
LLB-343 Τραπεζικό Δίκαιο 6
LLB-346 Διαιτησία-Διαμεσολάβηση 6
LLB-347 Πολιτειολογία 6
LLB-350 Δίκαιο Ενέργειας και Περιβάλλοντος 6
LLB-353 Δίκαιο Προστασίας Καταναλωτή 6
LLB-354 Δημοσιοϋπαλληλικό Δίκαιο 6
LLB-355 Διεθνές Δίκαιο Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων 6
LLB-358 Πτωχευτικό Δίκαιο 6
LLB-360 Δίκαιο Δημοσίων Συμβάσεων 6
LLB-365 Συγκριτικό Δίκαιο 6
LLB-371 Ειδικά Θέματα-Σεμινάρια 6
LLB-375 Δίκαιο Ανταγωνισμού 6
LLB-377 Εργατικό Δίκαιο (Συλλογικό) 6
LLB-380 Δίκαιο Διεθνούς Εμπορίου 6
LLB-385 Δίκαιο Διανοητικής Ιδιοκτησίας 6
LLB-388 Δίκαιο Μέσων Μαζικής Επικοινωνίας 6
LLB-389 Δίκαιο Προστασίας Προσωπικών Δεδομένων 6
LLB-397 Ποινολογία 6
LLB-398 Αθλητικό Δίκαιο 6
LLB-399 Διεθνές Ποινικό Δίκαιο 6
LLB-424 Εφαρμογές Διεθνούς και Ευρωπαϊκού Δικαίου 6

Section:E General Electives | Γενικά Μαθήματα Επιλογής

Min. ECTS Credits: 0  Max. ECTS Credits: 18

Section: F Unallocated Courses

Min. ECTS Credits: 0  Max. ECTS Credits: 0

Assessment Method

Course assessment usually comprises of a comprehensive final exam and continuous assessment. Continuous assessment can include amongst others, mid-terms, projects, and class participation.

Letter grades are calculated based on the weight of the final exam and the continuous assessment and the actual numerical marks obtained in these two assessment components. Based on the course grades the student’s semester grade point average (GPA) and cumulative point average (CPA) are calculated.

How to apply

  1. Completed Application Form
  2. A copy of your passport (page with your personal details and photo)
  3. Academic Records (True copy of the original)
    • For Bachelors Degree applicants: High School Leaving Certificate and mark sheet
    • For Masters Degree applicants: Bachelors Degree and transcripts
    • For Doctorate applicants: Bachelors and Masters Degree, including transcripts
  4. Two Letters of recommendation/reference from professors or employers (for Masters and Doctorate applicants only). Certain programmes have additional requirements
  5. Curriculum Vitae–CV (for Masters and Doctorate applicants only)
  6. Personal Statement (for Masters and Doctorate applicants only)
  7. Research proposal (for Doctorate applicants only)
  8. Evidence of work experience (where applicable)
  9. Portfolio (for selected programmes of study)

Application deadline

Generally, the deadline for applying

  • for the Fall semester is end of August and
  • for Spring semester, end of November

Entry requirements

Qualification requirements

The minimum admission requirement is a recognized High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC). Students with a lower HSLC grade than 7.5/10 or 15/20 or equivalent, depending on the grading system of the country issuing the HSLC, are provided with extra academic guidance and monitoring during the first year of their studies. Some programmes have higher entry requirements.

Additional entry requirements

English Language Proficiency

The list below provides the minimum English Language Requirements (ELR) for enrollment to the programme of study. Students who do not possess any of the qualifications or stipulated grades listed below and hold IELTS with 4.5 and above, are required to take UNIC’s NEPTON English Placement Test (with no charge) and will receive English Language support classes, if and as needed, from UNIC’s International Gateway Centre (IGC).

  • TOEFL – 525 and above
  • Computer-based TOEFL – 193 and above
  • Internet-based TOEFL – 80 and above
  • IELTS – 6 and above
  • Cambridge Exams [First Certificate] – B and above
  • Cambridge Exams [Proficiency Certificate – C and above
  • GCSE English Language “O” Level – C and above
  • Michigan Examination of Proficiency in English (CaMLA) – Pass
  • Pearson PTE General – Level 3 and above
  • KPG (The Greek Foreign Language Examinations for the State Certificate of Language Proficiency) – Level B2 and above
  • Anglia – Level B2 and above
  • IEB Advances Programme English – Pass
  • Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English (ECPE) Michigan Language Assessment by: Cambridge Assessment English & University of Michigan – 650 average score for ALL skills and above

English language requirements

The table below provides the minimum English Language Requirements (ELR) for enrollment on a programme of study offered in English. Students who do not possess any of the qualifications or stipulated grades listed below and hold IELTS with 4.5 and above, are required to take UNIC’s NEPTON English Placement Test (with no charge) and will receive English Language support classes, if and as needed, from UNIC’s International Gateway Centre (IGC).

English Qualification ELR Equivalent to IELTS 6
TOEFL 525 and above
Computer-based TOEFL 193 and above
Internet-based TOEFL 80 and above
IELTS 6 and above
Cambridge Exams (First Certificate) B and above
Cambridge Exams (Proficiency Certificate) C and above
GCSE English Language ‘O’ Level or IGCSE C and above
Michigan Examination of Proficiency in English (CaMLA) Pass
Pearson PTE General Level 3 and above
(The Greek Foreign Language Examinations
for the State Certificate of Language Proficiency)
Level B2 and above
Anglia Level B2 and above
IEB Advanced Programme English Pass
Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English (ECPE)
Michigan Language Assessment
by: Cambridge Assessment English & University of Michigan
650 average score for ALL skills and above

English Language Proficiency

Master students satisfy the English requirements if their first degree was taught in English. Otherwise, they would need to present a minimum TOEFL score of 550 paper-based or 213 computer-based, GCSE “O” Level or IGCSE with minimum “C”, IELTS with a score of 6.5, or a score placement at the ENGL- 100 level of UNIC’s NEPTON. The University offers English courses at various levels to help students reach the required standard for admission to a graduate programme.

The purpose of the NEPTON Test

1. The purpose of this test is to place students in the appropriate level of English in order to support their academic studies at the University. The NEPTON is not a University entrance examination; previous academic performance (e.g. School Leaving Certificate) is taken into consideration with regard to University entrance requirements.

2. The number of additional courses and corresponding course loads are given in the table below:

Level of English Hour of tuition/work Credits Additional course load permitted
ENGL-101 English Composition 3 6 Normal
ENGL-100 Basic Writing 3 6 Normal
BENG-100 College English 6 6 Normal
BENG-070 English Language Skills 12 4 6 credit hours
BENG-060 English for Beginners 20 2 No other credits

3.Students who have the following qualifications can take the test, but will not be placed below the level shown:

English Qualification ENGL-101 ENGL-100
TOEFL 550+ 513-547
Computer-based TOEFL 213+ 183-210
Internet-based TOEFL 79+ 65-78
IELTS 6.5+ 5.5-6.0
Cambridge Exams (First Certificate) Grade A or B Grade C
Cambridge Exams (Proficiency Certificate) A or B or C A or B
GCSE English Language ‘O’ Level or IGCSE A or B C
Michigan Examination of Proficiency in English (CaMLA) Pass N/A
Pearson PTE General Level 4 Level 3
(The Greek Foreign Language Examinations
for the State Certificate of Language Proficiency)
Level C1 Level B2
Anglia Proficiency or Masters Advanced
IEB Advanced Programme English Pass N/A
Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English (ECPE)
Michigan Language Assessment
by: Cambridge Assessment English & University of Michigan
840-1000 average score for ALL skills 650-835 average score for ALL skills

4.Students can take the NEPTON after they officially enroll and pay the Euro 55 application fee.

Fees and funding

Application Fees

Yearly tuition fees:

International / Non EU Students: 9.300 Euro


Local / EU Students: 8.940 Euro

Additional Fee information




Application fee (one-off/nonrefundable payment)



Visa application (one-off/nonrefundable payment)



Registration fee (per semester)



Health & accident insurance (per year)



Student activities fee (per semester)



Technology fee – Internet use etc. (per semester)



International student guarantee (one-off / refundable payment)



Transcript fee (per copy)



Evaluation fee (transfer credits / ECTS)



Second exam fee (per course)



Graduation application fee






Provider information

Main Contact

46 Makedonitissas Avenue, CY-2417

Contact Person: UNIC

Phone: +35722778744