Tests for Students
The Horizon Tests are designed as a broad psychometric tool developed to measure students' career interests, personality traits, and work values. Horizon was initially built within the educational system in Greece paired in mind, while continuing to be re-evaluated in the Greek and Cypriot education systems.
Although after a careful study of the modern international and Greek psychometric reality, practical new measurement tools were designed from scratch and appear below the existing ones, regarding the incompatibility within the educational system, the framework of weaknesses, the reduction of the theoretical background, etc., in order to satisfy to a similar extent, the need for a detailed description of the individual's professional interests. For students, five educational, psychometric tools have been designed to support existing knowledge.
• 4 Learning Learning Style Test
• Horizon Profiler Personality Profiler
• Horizon Motivator Work Values and Motivation Test
• Horizon Full Vocational Orientation Test
• Horizon MySelf Discover your self-image