School: School of Sciences and Engineering

Nutrition and Dietetics

Academic year

Taught Language: Greek

Course Summary

The BSc in Nutrition and Dietetics at EUC prepares students to play a key role in good health and nutrition that is essential to an individual’s quality of life. The program prepares students with knowledge and skills to promote healthy eating and lifestyle choices and to cater to special nutritional needs in medical or institutional settings. The program is developed to meet the requirements set by international professional associations such as the European Federation of the Association of Dietitians (EFAD) and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics of the United States. Nutrition and Dietetics students undertake practical training in hospitals, health centers, schools, nursing homes, sports federations and food industries as part of the degree. Graduates of the program are eligible to register for the Cyprus Board for Food Scientists, Food Technologists and Dieticians and to continue to become fully qualified clinical dietitians through postgraduate study.

International Standards The program is in line with the requirements of international professional bodies such as the European Federation of the Association of Dietitians (EFAD), the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in the US and the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) of the UK.

Practical Training An important element of the Nutrition and Dietetics degree is the practical training that students experience throughout their studies. Complementary to the clinical training students gain at the university's laboratories, the strength of the program comes from its extensive internship opportunities with more than 23 different sectors such as hospitals, health centers, municipal health centers, nursing homes, camps, sports federations, gyms, nurseries, schools and food industries.

Diet Design An integral component of the program curriculum is the practical application of knowledge through the development of nutritional plans and diets, covering a wide range of physiological and clinical incidents. This gives students a significant occupational advantage and facilitates their integration into the labor market.

Nutrition Software The competitive advantage of the program is the training of students in specialized nutrition software. More specifically, the software provides students the ability to analyze the nutritional plans (diets) in a modern computer lab. This allows the verification of a dietary instruction before its practical application.

Registration at Council Graduates of the Nutrition and Dietetics program are eligible to register with the Food Technologists, Nutritionists and Dieticians Registration Council and the Cyprus Association of Dietitians and Nutritionists

Career Prospects

  • Public and Private Medical Centers
  • Wellness Centers
  • Food Management and Food Safety Industry
  • Private Practice Dieticians/Nutritionists
  • Sports and Fitness Centers


Πρώτο Τετράμηνο 16 30
Κωδικός Τίτλος Μαθήματος Π. Μονάδες ECTS
ANA102 Ανατομία 3 5
BIO105 Βιολογία 3 7
CHE100 Χημεία 5 8
CSG193 Πληροφορική Επιστημών Υγείας 3 5
EUC110 Ακαδημαϊκές Δεξιότητες 2 5
Δεύτερο Τετράμηνο 17 30
Κωδικός Τίτλος Μαθήματος Π. Μονάδες ECTS
BIO125 Μοριακή Βιολογία 2 5
BIO126 Βιοχημεία 5 7
CHE111 Χημεία Τροφίμων 4 7
ENH080* Αγγλικά Επιστημών Υγείας ΙΙ 3 5
NUD120 Εισαγωγή στη Διατροφή 3 6


32 Π. Μονάδες
Τρίτο Τετράμηνο 14 30
Κωδικός Τίτλος Μαθήματος Π. Μονάδες ECTS
BIO213 Γενική Μικροβιολογία 2 6
BIO282 Βιοστατιστική 2 5
ENH090* Αγγλικά Επιστημών Υγείας ΙII 3 5
NUD211 Νομικά, Βιοηθικά και Δεοντολογικά Ζητήματα στη Διατροφή / Διαιτολογία 2 4
PGY107 Φυσιολογία 3 5
PSG104 Αρχές Ψυχολογίας 2 5
Τέταρτο Τετράμηνο 18 30
Κωδικός Τίτλος Μαθήματος Π. Μονάδες ECTS
NUD221 Διατροφική Αξιολόγηση 4 5
NUD222 Επιστήμη και Τεχνολογία Τροφίμων 3 5
NUD223 Διατροφική Αγωγή 2 4
NUD224 Διατροφή, Πολιτισμός & Περιβάλλον 2 4
NUD226 Διατροφή & Μεταβολισμός 5 7
SOG102 Αρχές Κοινωνιολογίας 2 5


35 Π. Μονάδες
Πέμπτο Τετράμηνο 16 30
Κωδικός Τίτλος Μαθήματος Π. Μονάδες ECTS
Εισαγωγή στην Κλινική Διατροφή/Διαιτολογία
5 8
NUD312 Διατροφή, Άσκηση και Αθλητισμός 3 6
Συμπεριφορά, Eπικοινωνία και Διατροφική Συμβουλευτική
2 5
NUD315 Διατροφή στα Στάδια της Ζωής 3 6
Μεθοδολογία της Έρευνας στις Επιστήμες Υγείας
3 5
Έκτο Τετράμηνο 19 30
Κωδικός Τίτλος Μαθήματος Π. Μονάδες ECTS
BIO320 Μικροβιολογία Τροφίμων 5 7
EPE201 Επιδημιολογία 3 5
Οικονομία της Υγείας και Επιχειρηματικότητα
2 3
Συστήματα Διαχείρισης της Ποιότητας στη Βιομηχανία Τροφίμων και σε Χώρους Μαζικής Εστίασης
3 7
NUD330 Κλινική Διατροφή/Διαιτολογία Ι 6 8


30 Π. Μονάδες
Έβδομο Τετράμηνο 15 30
Κωδικός Τίτλος Μαθήματος Π. Μονάδες ECTS
HEA410 Πτυχιακή Εργασία Ι 3 6
NUD400 Πρακτική Άσκηση Ι 3 11
NUD431 Κλινική Διατροφή/Διαιτολογία ΙΙ 6 8
N/A Μάθημα Επιλογής 3 5
Όγδοο Τετράμηνο 15 30
Κωδικός Τίτλος Μαθήματος Π. Μονάδες ECTS
HEA420 Πτυχιακή Εργασία ΙΙ 3 12
NUD401 Πρακτική Άσκηση ΙΙ 3 5
NUD422 Επίκαιρα Θέματα Διατροφής 3 3
N/A Μάθημα Επιλογής 3 5
N/A Μάθημα Επιλογής 3 5
Μαθήματα Επιλογής    
(υποχρεωτικά ο σπουδαστής επιλέγει ένα το έβδομο εξάμηνο και δύο το όγδοο εξάμηνο)
Κωδικός Τίτλος Μαθήματος Π. Μονάδες ECTS
ENH070* Αγγλικά Επιστημών Υγείας Ι 3 5
NUD450 Βιοτεχνολογία 3 5
NUD455 Πολιτικές Διατροφής 3 5
NUD459 Φαρμακολογία Τροφίμων 3 5

Assessment Method

Δομή Προγράμματος Π. Μονάδες ECTS
Σύνολo Πιστωτικών Μονάδων/ECTS 130 240

How to apply

The general admission requirement for all undergraduate programs is the successful completion of the secondary education cycle.

  1. A completed application form together with a non-refundable fee of €52. 
  2. Official copy of High School Leaving Certificate and grade marksheet in English
  3. Proof of English language proficiency (if any)*
  4. Copy of a valid passport (for international applicants only)

Application deadline

Generally, the deadline for applying

for the Fall semester is end of August and

for Spring semester, end of November

Entry requirements

Qualification requirements

Student classification – as freshman, sophomore, junior or senior – depends upon the number of ECTS successfully completed. The ECTS for each classification are:


0-60 ECTS


61-120 ECTS


121-180 ECTS


180 or more ECTS


Students may register as part-time or full-time, depending on ECTS per semester and period of study.

 Requirements for full-time students: 

*Fall and Spring Semester: up to 30 ECTS

*Summer Session: up to 15 ECTS

Additional entry requirements

The general admission requirement for all undergraduate programs is the successful completion of the secondary education cycle. All applicants will need to submit the following documents to the Office of Admissions

English language requirements


Fees and funding

Application Fees

8.940 euro per academic year

Additional Fee information

Application fee: € 52 first semester
Registration fee: € 26 per semester
Student Activity fee:€ 34 per semester
Technology fee: € 18 per semester
Transcript fee; € 5 per copy
Degree Application fee: € 60
Europass Diploma Supplement - Free

Resit Exam fee € 75

Provider information

Main Contact

6 Diogenis Str., 2404 Engomi

Contact Person: EUC

Phone: +35722778744