Κindergarden ''Ta Nanakia''

  • Address: 10 Andrea Charalambide Str. 8010, Paphos, Cyprus
  • Email: info@tananakia.com


About us

A long established English and Greek private, multinational, family-run, nursery center, offering half and full day care for children aged from 4 months old till 5 years old. Our team is dedicated in providing outstanding quality care and education for young children.

Awards & Recognitions

The Kindergarden is approved by the Ministry of Education and has been included in the tuition subsidy scheme for children up to 4 years of age.

Facilities & Staff

Little children receive excellent care and instruction from the staff. We place a strong emphasis on education via play because we think that play is the most crucial activity for children to engage in, allowing them the chance to build the skills they will need for lifelong learning. 

Differentiation points

Our center provides a secure safe, fun, happy, caring and friendly environment in which children can discover within themselves their own love of learning.

The center is equipped with a wide and rich collection of indoor and outdoor children games, construction toys, puzzles, art materials, musical instruments and role play areas.

Our mission is to ensure quality caring and learning in a safe and happy environment like home . . .Because.. we care!

Courses & Programs

Licensed Kindergarten in the city center, with children aged from 4 months to 5 years. 

Institute Information

Ministry of education Licencing or relevant
VAT Number-(Eu Countries)
Registration number
Website https://www.tananakia.com/en/
Country CY
City/ Town Paphos
Postal Code 8010
Mobile 70 005060
Telephone Direct +35770005060
Skype Id
Application Standard Fees

Corespontance Person

Contact Person 1

Contact Person Name: Εύης

Contact Person Possition:

Mobile: +35799675140

Telephone Direct: +35799675140

Skype Id:


Contact Person 2

Contact Person Name: Εύης

Contact Person Possition:


Telephone Direct:

Skype Id:

