Nursery and Kindergarten Pegnidoupoli

  • Address: Πυγμαλίωνος 6 Εγκωμη
  • Email:


About us

Paignidupoli is a model pre-school education and training center where your child will take his/her first steps and make his/her first buddy. We ensure that your kids live in a wonderful, secure environment.

The website is intended to serve two purposes: first, to provide a forum for online communication between our kindergarten and parents, students, and the larger educational community; and second, to disseminate information to those who request it about our kindergarten's operations, programmes, and policies as well as general educational data and guidance for preschool education.

Awards & Recognitions

Recognised by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Cyprus.

Facilities & Staff

Our work begins at a young age since the stimuli of infancy shape the development of man, that is, his character and reactions.

We lay the groundwork for our children's spiritual development and emotional stability by moulding their souls from their earliest steps. Our Schools successfully carry out the vision of a high quality education that is compassionate and conveys a message of hope and optimism for tomorrow's citizenry, with the sense of responsibility that should characterise people who are working in the delicate field of education.

Differentiation points

Our School, particularly our Teachers, who have the ability to connect with children on a soul level, have the worthy and human capacity to help us attain these goals. Children explore, create, and organise knowledge in a secure and stimulating setting.

Courses & Programs

Our aim is for the child to acquire autonomy, creativity, responsibility, knowledge, social norms, and, most importantly, pleasure.

The curriculum features exercises and lessons on issues related to child development, including:

- Oral language development, learning to write, and pre-writing activities.
- Mathematics and its ideas.
- Concern for environmental preservation.
- Visits and outings that are educational and linked to the themes being taught.
- Working together with professionals who visit the school to aid in the teaching process, such as speech therapists, musicians, and special psychologists.
- Frequent parent-teacher meetings, both individually and in groups.
- Parental participation in the educational process.

Institute Information

Ministry of education Licencing or relevant
VAT Number-(Eu Countries)
Registration number
Country CY
City/ Town Nicosia
Postal Code 2400
Mobile 22 671339
Telephone Direct
Skype Id
Application Standard Fees

Corespontance Person

Contact Person 1

Contact Person Name: Rania

Contact Person Possition: Director

Mobile: +35722671379

Telephone Direct:

Skype Id:



Contact Person 2

Contact Person Name: Rania

Contact Person Possition: Director

Mobile: +35722671379

Telephone Direct:

Skype Id:

