• Address: Nikodimou Milona 4, Strovolos 2035
  • Email: info@teddyland.eu


About us

Our Station accepts babies from 4 months to 4/8 month olds.

Awards & Recognitions

Our Station has been approved by all the Government agencies required as well as being approved by the European Union. Finally, our school has been awarded the green flag and is officially among the ecological schools of Cyprus.

Facilities & Staff

We have 2 infant sections and 3 toddler sections from 2 years - 4 years and 8 months.

Differentiation points

Both the teaching staff and the management of our school are certified First Aiders for children and infants.

At our school, in collaboration with our external partners, music, dance, gymnastics and English lessons are offered on a weekly basis.

Courses & Programs

Children's and Baby Center.

Institute Information

Ministry of education Licencing or relevant
VAT Number-(Eu Countries)
Registration number
Website https://www.teddyland.eu/contact.php
Country CY
City/ Town Nicosia
Postal Code 2035
Mobile 22 494963
Telephone Direct +35722494963
Skype Id
Application Standard Fees

Corespontance Person

Contact Person 1

Contact Person Name: Katerina

Contact Person Possition:

Mobile: +35722494963

Telephone Direct: +35722494963

Skype Id:


Contact Person 2

Contact Person Name: Katerina

Contact Person Possition:

Mobile: +35722494963

Telephone Direct: +35722494963

Skype Id:

