The "Hidden School" is a non-profit school and operates under the umbrella of the Orthodox Spiritual Center of Limassol, offering children a happy and creative environment.
Our School stands out for its high educational level!
Children are offered free breakfast, lunch and dinner every day.
Our School emphasizes Greek Education and Orthodox Education.
The School is located on the hill of Laiki Lefkothea in a quiet and idyllic environment away from the noises of the city.
Ministry of education Licencing or relevant | |
VAT Number-(Eu Countries) | |
Registration number | |
Website | |
Country | CY |
City/ Town | LIMASSOL |
Postal Code | 3117 |
Mobile | 25 770629 |
Telephone Direct | +35725770629 |
Skype Id | |
Fax | |
Application Standard Fees |
Contact Person Name: PANAYIOTA
Contact Person Possition:
Mobile: +35799524024
Telephone Direct: +35799524024
Skype Id: