Medical University - Plovdiv

  • Address: бул. В. Априлов 15А, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
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About us

The Faculty of Medicine is the foundation upon which the Higher Institute of Medicine and later its successor – Medical University Plovdiv have been built. The Faculty of Medicine maintains the prestige of an internationally acclaimed educational and research center, in which 2862 students in medicine are currently being trained. The training is conducted in Bulgarian and English. Approximately 1721 foreign medical students are citizens of 47 countries from 5 continents, including Great Britain, Greece, Turkey, Italy, Germany, Belgium, France, Austria, the Republic of Ireland, Denmark, Cyprus, Portugal, Denmark, Australia, the USA, China, Sweden, Finland, Norway, New Zealand, etc.
The Faculty of Medicine consists of 29 departments. The most recent one is the Department of Endocrinology (2020).

Awards & Recognitions

The improved quality and organisation of the training process, as well as the students’ motivation are reflected in the high learning outcomes. The class of 2019, consisting of 214 graduates (127 Bulgarian and 87 foreign students) obtained the average 4.85 grade of all courses and a very good 5.09 grade at the state exams. Forty-eight students obtained excellent grades from their studies and the state exams, and three of them were awarded with the Golden Hippocrates.
The research activities of the academic staff at the Faculty of Medicine during the period 2015-2019 are significant. The total number of the publications of the lecturers at the Faculty of Medicine is 2241. More than 1000 of them are full-text articles or reports, published in international journals, and 400 of them have an impact factor. During this period members of the academic staff presented 1876 reports and posters at scientific forums, 802 of which at scientific conferences abroad. Seventy-seven monographs, 265 textbooks and handbooks were published. One hundred and thirty-eight of them are individual publications.
The intensive research activities at the Faculty of Medicine are reflected in the number of defended dissertations. During the period 2015 – 2019, 129 dissertations were defended for obtaining a PhD Degree, and 10 dissertations for obtaining the scientific degree “Doctor of Medical Sciences”. Fifty-three lecturers obtained academic ranks. Eighteen of them obtained the rank “Full Professor” and 35 of them – the rank “Associate Professor”. Forty doctoral programmes in medicine and 8 in biological sciences have been accredited.


In addition to the modern facilities for theoretical training and the newly equipped classrooms, the practical training of the medical students is conducted in several university hospitals with high-tech diagnostic and therapeutic units, equipped with conventional and modern apparatuses. The students and the postgraduates have the opportunity to be trained at the largest complex training center for medical specialists in Bulgaria – The Medical Simulation Training Centre at Medical University Plovdiv.

Differenciation points

The main priority of the Faculty of Medicine is to improve the quality of training and to develop the syllabi in accordance with the European and the Uniform State Requirements for medicine. That is why the syllabi and the curriculum are frequently revised. They are published on the university website in both Bulgarian and English.
The Credit Transfer and Accumulation System of all the mandatory and elective disciplines has also been updated. The training in medicine gives the students the opportunity to choose between 27 elective disciplines, so that they can accumulate credits from the first until the sixth year. The number of the disciplines is increasing and they are of great interest among the students. There are 17 extracurricular study groups, in which students can enrich their knowledge.
The Faculty Quality Committee frequently conducts audits and controls the training process – lectures, practical seminars, preclinical internship, and the necessary equipment. Feedback is provided by means of surveys of the students’ opinion on the training.



University Information

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Country BG
City/ Town Plovdiv
Postal Code 4002
Mobile +35932602522
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Application Standard Fees 225

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