Theological School of Cyprus

  • Address: Isokratous 1-7, 1016, Nicosia, Cyprus
  • Email:


About us

We welcome you with great joy to the Theological School of the Church of Cyprus (T.S.C.C.), a School that is entrusted with the ethos, tradition, and historical heritage of one of the oldest Churches in the Christian East.
Our School was established in June 2015 and offers education in two university-level study programs to a selected number of undergraduate and postgraduate students: the Undergraduate Program of Studies (U.P.S.) "Theology (4 Years/240 ECTS, Bachelor's Degree)" and the Postgraduate Program of Studies (P.P.S.) "Applications of Psychology and Counseling in the Community (2 Years/120 ECTS, Master's Degree)." Within the short period of its operation, the School has already graduated five series of U.P.S. students (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023) and three series of P.P.S. students (2021, 2022, 2023).
At T.S.C.C., we are committed to strictly follow national and international quality standards to ensure high-level academic study programs. From its early years, the School has succeeded in offering a distinctive educational experience to its students, maintaining high academic standards, and gaining recognition for its work both nationally and internationally.
The level of studies is reflected in all the official recognitions that both the institution and its programs have obtained, all of which have been evaluated and certified by the competent Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Higher Education (DI.PA.E.). The high level of studies is also reflected in the value of the degrees awarded. The Degrees in Theology and the Master of Arts in Applications of Psychology and Counseling in the Community, awarded by T.S.C.C. graduates, have been recognized as equivalent to degrees awarded by Greek Higher Educational Institutions. Theology graduates from T.S.C.C. have already been included in the lists of appointable and appointed Religious Studies teachers by the Educational Service Commission (E.E.Y.) of the Republic of Cyprus. Holders of the Postgraduate Degree, who were included in the lists of appointable and appointed teachers, have already received the accredited scoring for appointment purposes from E.E.Y.
We invite you to become part of the T.S.C.C. community and experience first-hand the academic and supportive environment in which we operate. It is an environment of learning that challenges and invites you to open your soul. It is based, on the one hand, on the Christian principles and values that we seek to govern the operation of our institution, while, on the other hand, it promotes and pursues academic excellence as a guarantee and assurance of the professional engagement of our graduates. All our efforts are invested in providing quality education in a traditional space with modern technological infrastructure and conception.

Founding Principles:

The basic principles and principles concerning the founding of the Theological School are as follows:
  • To have the status of a university institution.
  • To be characterized as having an ecclesiastical character, that is, to be founded on ecclesiastical ethical standards.
The most reliable way to achieve the above principles was for the establishment of the Theological School to be based on the legislation for Private Institutions of Higher Education. In this way, the Church of Cyprus could achieve not only the establishment of a balanced four-year undergraduate study program in Theology but also maintain the ecclesiastical and ethical character of the school. Furthermore, the Theological School of the Church of Cyprus could be developed based on two principles that emerged from the above:
  • Maintaining academic autonomy.
  • Maintaining non-profit character.


*The School initially started its operation with an undergraduate program in Theology, and today it also offers a parallel postgraduate program in "Psychology and Counseling Applications in the Community."

Awards & Recognitions

Accreditation of the Study Program was approved at the 17th Conference of The Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education.
Accreditation of the undergraduate program of studies in Theology was approved at the 17th Assembly of the Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education (CYQAA).
Accreditation of the first postgraduate program of studies of T.S.C.C. with the title: «Applications of Psychology and Counselling in the Community (2 Years/ 120 ECTS, MA)»] was officially approved at the 42nd Assembly of the Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education (CYQAA).


Differenciation points

The Theological School of Cyprus differentiates itself through:
  1. Historical and Cultural Significance
  2. Academic Offerings: Undergraduate Theology and Postgraduate "Psychology and Counseling Applications in the Community"
  3. Affiliation with the Church
  4. Emphasis on Community Impact
  5. Contribution to Leadership


University Information

Ministry of education Licencing or relevant
VAT Number-(Eu Countries)
Registration number
Country CY
City/ Town Nicosia
Postal Code 1016
Mobile +35722443050
Telephone Direct
Skype Id
Application Standard Fees

Corespontance Person

Contact Person 1

Contact Person Name: Elena

Contact Person Possition: Admissions Operator

Mobile: +35722443050

Telephone Direct:

Skype Id:


Contact Person 2

Contact Person Name:

Contact Person Possition:


Telephone Direct:

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